Supporting Borrego Ministers Association on Giving Tuesday

By: Rev. Michael Plekon, PhD

On Giving Tuesday, please remember the Borrego Ministers Association. We are laity and clergy from the Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran and Latter Day Saints churches in Borrego. For a dozen years we have listened to neighbors in need in town. We give out $4000 worth of food coupons monthly, assist people into the Let’s Go Borrego program that in part subsidizes travel for medical appointments. We try to help households in emergencies with rent and utilities. Among these have been several households whose homes have been destroyed by fire.

Throughout the year we sponsor services for the community: a blessing of animals in October, Thanksgiving Eve service, a Christmas Concert, Ashes-to-go on Ash Wednesday and a glorious Easter Sunrise Service. On the third Thursday of each month we sponsor a Grief Support gathering at The Resource Center.

Remembering us on Giving Tuesday is really remembering your sisters and brothers. We are now a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization with an EIN 92-3678192., so all contributions are tax deductible. Donate with PayPal or by credit card.

Rev. Michael Plekon, PhD/BMA Chairman

Donate By Check

Borrego Ministers Association, PO Box 2183, Borrego Springs CA 92004