Rams Hill donates $5,000 to the Borrego Ministers Association

BMA development director Linda Stanley and co-chair Fr. Michael Plekon are pictured receiving the check from Harry Turner, Rams Hill COO & GM and Shop Assistant Rene Navarro.

The Borrego Ministers Association Gifted by Rams Hill

In this season of giving, The Borrego Ministers Association (BMA) received a generous gift of $5000 from Rams Hill. It comes from their “For(e) the Love of Borrego” program–catch the golf reference?

This donation will go a long way in the BMA’s day to day efforts to assist neighbors in need. It could be part of the more than $4000 worth of grocery coupons provided monthly to local markets. Or it might be used to give emergency relief to a family with outstanding rent and utility bills, struggling with injured or ill heads of household. It could also help a family needing frequent trips to medical care as they enter the “Let’s Go Borrego” travel assistance program. The list of possible temporary needs is endless. Every cent of donations goes out to sisters and brothers in need in the community.

The BMA is grateful to Rams Hill and to all who think about their neighbor in this holiday season. Consider giving too. 

The Rev. Michael Plekon, PhD

Professor Emeritus: Sociology, Religion & Culture The City University of New York – Baruch College

Community as Church, Church as Community